的 肯塔基信息技术大学 Services (ITS) created the term "linkblue" to define a directory account (user id and password) which can be used when connecting to many campus-wide systems, 包括myUK, Canvas与myUK GPS(毕业规划系统).
Your linkblue account is created within a business day of when, 作为一名学生,你被接受了, 或者作为一名雇员,你被记入工资单. 的 linkblue account must be activated to login to many services. Detailed instructions on activating an account are available on the 激活您的帐户 页面. 有关linkblue的更多信息,请访问
学生, 教师, and staff should use their linkblue ID to sign in to Microsoft 365 and Google Gmail (Google Workspace). To sign in, use your username